DA:NCE(Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited): The NCOSE Conference

The idea was hatched in my mind by spending quiet time with my best friend, Jesus. I was surprised that it happened. But, really, a surprise like this? I shouldn’t have doubted but I did. So I had to lean on Him to show me.

After my shoulder operation in January of 2016, I pondered the possibility of creating an educational powerpoint to post on my website; it would serve as a conduit to help others understand the connection between the sexualization of children in dance and unhealthy movement. I want dance to reflect dance not porn. While I finished my book ‘Dance is Prayer in Motion: Soul to Sole Choreography for Christian Dance Ministry,’ I longed to follow God’s leading but there was a big problem.

I had no idea how to create a powerpoint. No idea whatsoever. Anyone who knows me understands that I’m not a techie. So why would God encourage me to develop a powerpoint presentation if I didn’t know how to do it?

Help(my best prayer)!

Soon after my ‘help’ prayer, God showed me some action points. I asked my son John to give me a powerpoint lesson when I was visiting him on my birthday at the end of April. It was my birthday present. He was gracious to spend time with me and teach me about powerpoint. And I did learn the basic stuff.

Then I went home to California. I had only a few weeks to create this powerpoint because John and his family were coming to visit my husband and I for several weeks in the middle of June. The creation of that powerpoint became my focused goal. During this same time as John’s visit with my husband and I, our 8 member family was to attend an extended family beach week. This past summer was our 40th year for 30-40 family members to share vacation time together.

I created the entire powerpoint just before John, Tara, Julianne and Amelia arrived. Whew—I did it.  Then another action point appeared. Just before the beach week began, I sent out a family email and invited the adults to attend my powerpoint presentation on the sexualization of children in dance.  I got ready with my laptop on a Wednesday evening. I thought that only a few people would show up but I was wrong.

With jittery nerves, I shared the information in the powerpoint. The family seemed engaged, asked questions, and gave me input. The next day my niece and nephew spoke to me separately to offer their skills to help me(video and powerpoint). Both are professionals in the areas I needed help with. Who would have thought this could happen? Maybe the same God who was leading me spoke to their hearts as well?

Well folks,  here it is, August 31, 2016, and for the last 6 weeks, I have had the great privilege and blessing to work with my niece and nephew to create and release a video powerpoint on the sexualization of children under 12, a video trailer to engage people to see the powerpoint, and a slideshare of the powerpoint for anyone in the country to download and use for program presentations.  I don’t think that this resource has ever been created for others to access. My heart is full and I am certain that God had it all planned out. All I had to do was follow his leading even though I did not feel I had the technical skill.

So here I am sharing with you and I AM EXCITED! Below is the link to the conference where the video trailer will be shared:


Can you also pray for me, for my niece Lara, and for my nephew Neal? I call us the three amigos. And I have to tell you, I am so lucky-lucky to know a personal God who leads personally, and lucky to have a niece and nephew who opened their hearts to help me create wonderful  material to share at the conference.

Rom 7: 25 Thanks be to God-through Jesus Christ our Lord!

James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

And hmm. How did I come up with the logo DA:NCE(Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited)? You guessed it. A specific ‘help’ prayer.

Blessings, friends. God is with me and with you. Ask for help. Just remember that ‘help’ comes in His timing. Sometimes it’s fast and sometimes it takes years. This time God was full of timing that I didn’t expect so soon.



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Nonpartisan Statement

DA:NCE is a nonpartisan, unifying organization that welcomes input from any individual that values protecting children from hypersexualization in adult costumes, choreography and music inside and outside dance environments.