January 2021 Newsletter

DA:NCE Newsletter – JANUARY 2021
Share Your DA:NCE Story
by Mary BawdenDid you participate in dance as a child? If yes, please consider joining our ‘Share your DA:NCE Story’ campaign. We need dance stories that are personal, authentic, and real. If you have a story you’d be willing to share, we’d love to listen. How did the experience impact you, especially now as you look back as an adult? What do you wish you knew then that you know now? By sharing your experience with us, you’ll be equipping us with powerful, real-life outcomes that we can share with parents, dance instructors, and studio owners.
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Guest Blogger:
By Kristin Kusanovich – Senior Lecturer, Santa Clara University Artistic Director, k2dance, San JoseWhat Non-Corporate, Non-Commercial, Non-Competitive Dance means for Children and the Adult Dancers they will Become – When I was volunteering at a carnival at my daughter’s school a couple of years ago, I found myself with time and space to think. I was stationed at the dessert booth with a great view of the festival stage. All sorts of community and semi-professional acts came on and off the stage; from a group of Mexican Folkloric dancers, to family bands playing bluegrass, jazz or pop standards, to solo singers trying out their voices on a windy day, to magicians, to singers, to guys with snakes, or parrots.
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What’s The Pointe?

DA:NCE sponsored ‘What’s the Pointe?’ on Mansion Memories, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to serving children in crisis (and their families) by providing magical memories that will last a lifetime.  Dance educator Terrill Corletto and her assistant Sarah Stromberg explained how pointe shoes work; then they danced in them.

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Healthy Dance Studio

One of the goals of the DA:NCE is to highlight organizations we feel embody healthy dance. We are pleased to present: Dancing for Donations located in Tampa Bay, FL.

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Guest Blogger:
Grace French, Founder The Army of SurvivorsArmy of Survivors: From Healthy to Harmful Dance – As a survivor of child sexual abuse, a dancer, an advocate, and the founder of a national non-profit focusing on preventing and responding to sexual violence in sport, DA:NCE’s mission immediately stood out to me.
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Deeper than Disturbing: A Critical Dive into ‘Cuties’
by Mary BawdenI saw the ‘Cuties’ trailer before the film was released and then I saw the film myself. What did I think? It was far worse than I thought it would be. Deeper than disturbing.
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Gray is a Canadian TV show focused on raising awareness on human trafficking. Dive into the world of DA:NCE as we talk to Founder and CEO Mary Bawden about how the dance industry is grooming young girls. Mary joins us from California via Zoom to give us her expertise on the subject.
Watch the Interview
Click Here to watch a special message From Mary Bawden.
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DA:NCE Happenings…

Here’s a list of a few of the things we’ve got going on:

  1. Mary is speaking at the online CAHPERD Conference (California Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) from March 11-13
  2. Discussions with Charlene Doak-Gebauer of Canada about internet certification for adults: ‘Internet Sense First’ – protecting your children online
  3. Join the movement to protect children from hypersexualized children’s dance by sharing your dance experience with us. Share Your Dance Story

~ Mary

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  • Would you like Mary to speak at your next event, give an interview or write an article? Click Here to contact Mary.
  • Support the mission and message of DA:NCE. Click Here to give.
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Nonpartisan Statement

DA:NCE is a nonpartisan, unifying organization that welcomes input from any individual that values protecting children from hypersexualization in adult costumes, choreography and music inside and outside dance environments.