New DA:NCE PowerPoint Calls Out the Injustice of Hypersexualization

Justice: The quality of being just; fairness; decency; conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude (Dictionary). Informed choices make a difference. They can lead to justice. In light of the death of George Floyd, a difficult season has continued. Anytime we see wrongs that are not righted, we need to call them out. And […]

DA:NCE Newsletter – May 2020

What Do The Experts Say About Hypersexualization:
In 2020, alongside the coronavirus pandemic, the cultural media onslaught continues to give us the message that the hypersexualization of children is normal.

NCOSE and Corona: DA:NCE Reflections

Hi friends. Right now I’m ‘Singing in the Rain’ and I mean that literally. It’s raining outside. The pandemic we are experiencing has us all hunkered down at home. Because of that, I want to encourage you with some good news and then share several practical ways to adjust to sequestered life. This is the […]

2020 Sexualized Superbowl Halftime Show: What Does the Research Say?

“Over the past decade, the sexualisation of children has become a fiercely debated topic around the globe, with national inquiries recently conducted in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. We’ve also seen some spectacular retail fails. In 2006, UK chain store Tesco advertised a pole dancing kit in its toys and games section, […]

Why are we doing this to children?

In the yet unreleased opening of ‘Harmful or Healthy Children’s Dance: What do the Experts say about hypersexualization?’ Kristen Jenson shares her heart with a profound question: ‘Why are we doing this to children?‘She is the founder of Protect Young Minds™ and best-selling author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids as well […]

Portraying innocence: Introducing the child we represent in DA:NCE

We are continuing to film our new resource. In June we interviewed many national experts about hypersexualization in children’s dance. Let me name just a few: Dr. John Foubert, Dr. Donna Hughes, Dr. Walter DeKeseredy, Dr. Sandra Morgan, Dr. Celina Pina Shemo, Dr. Laura Clark, Dr. Don Hilton, Dr. Brook Parker-Bello, and many more. Now […]

New Media Resources for DA:NCE: Coming Soon

I’ve had a wonderful summer that has raced by. In June, I flew to Washington DC to attend the National NCOSE (National Center on Sexual Exploitation) Conference and got a great response from leaders to film their observations about hypersexualization in children’s dance. In July, I taped 10 radio spots for national release through Westar […]

Westar Radio airs DA:NCE

Remember what happened at the 2019 NCOSE (National Conference on Sexual Exploitation) Conference in Washington DC? DA:NCE was privileged to film numerous amazing interviews from leaders in the field about why hypersexualization in dance harms children. As I write this blog, the DA:NCE Team is working diligently to release a new video resource using NCOSE […]

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Nonpartisan Statement

DA:NCE is a nonpartisan, unifying organization that welcomes input from any individual that values protecting children from hypersexualization in adult costumes, choreography and music inside and outside dance environments.