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Gobble, gobble, gobble: Dance Coalition Newsletter
Gobble, gobble, gobble! Ps 118:1 “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever.” I can’t believe that November is already

NDEO Connections, Knowledge and Leadership: ‘Children’s Dance: Educational or Sexualized’
What a wonderful national conference this NDEO(national dance educators organization) gathering turned out to be. Hats off to the NDEO board who worked so tirelessly

Ebook Release: Healthy or Harmful Children’s Dance
How can concerned parents or concerned adults know if their child’s dance studio teaches healthy, educational dance or

Hypersexualization: How to educate a dance studio with the DA:NCE Toolkit
Time and time again I hear from concerned parents, grandparents, dancers and community leaders asking what they can do

How to Avoid a Harmful Dance Studio
Last month I described what to look for in a healthy, age-appropriate dance studio. Now I’d like to travel in the other direction and discuss

How to Pick a Healthy Dance Studio
Once a year most studios plan a dance recital to celebrate a year of student maturity, growth, and technique in their dance classes. It’s a

The New Trend in Children’s Dance
Have you bought flowers for that ‘special dancer’? Each year I enjoy the dance recital of my two granddaughters at the Dance Foundation. At their most

Cultural Awareness in Children’s Dance: A Need for Reflection
Wow. What a wonderful conference was put on by The National Center on Sexual Exploitation(NCOSE) in Washington DC from April 4-8! My husband Richard attended

Spiderman and IT Transformation
I really enjoyed attending the State CAHPERD Conference in Oakland. I flew up there on Thursday February 22 with my husband (he came

CDEA 2018 Statewide Conference in Santa Clara: Moving Bodies/Changing Minds
I left Redlands on Friday January 22 for the California Dance Educator’s Association Conference(CDEA) feeling a bit apprehensive. On the other hand, I was rested

Be F.I.T. and dance into the New Year! Hola from Central and South America!
Hola- Surprised to see the picture of me above in my new Panama hat? It’s hand-woven and very inexpensive. But what does that have to

Listening for Christmas Songs or Noise Pollution?
“Joy to the world The Lord has come Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room And heaven and nature sing, And