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Choreography for our Youngest Citizens
I looked at my soultosolechoreography website and I saw Leslie’s email. It was a breath of fresh air. “I have so much on my heart
Still Prone to Wander
The still, quiet voice said ‘remember me’. And my mind pushed it away. This Christmas I was blessed to supervise a wonderful choreographer. One night
What is the Message that You Communicate?
Our lives—raw, honest, authentic, real—are more than enough equipment in the hands of God. We struggle to believe it. But it’s true. And He seeks
The Movement between the Movements
Morning. Hot. I opened the screen door and let out my dog Melchizedek. Eric and I had a phone conference about Soul to Sole Choreography.
Actions don’t lie
Soul to Sole Choreography presents a visual picture of the immortal, invisible God. Scripture says that “we can know the truth and the truth can
External form and inner content
I remember a shy, quiet young girl named Sally who danced in the dance ministry. Every week she came to church with her family. The
Good Housekeeping = Bad Choreography
It was the soak in the tub that started it all. I wanted a restful evening. I brought home the latest edition of Good Housekeeping
Intentional dance
Dance does not become ministry because the dancers are Christian. Dance becomes Christian dance ministry when clear choreographic intent communicates the truths of faith using 4 identified purposes.
What do you really worship?
The word worship in the bible ascribes worth and glory to God. Through faith, worship means that Jesus is the object of our worship; in