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The Danger of “Stranger Danger” – How to Holistically Protect Your Kids Online
My first in-depth experience with the internet began at 13 years old. For years I would watch my friends play online games and I was

I was Broken by John-Michael Lander
As a producer for the Miss Ohio Outstanding Teen Program and judge for other child pageants and dance contests, I have seen how “harmful dance”
Announcing the $5,000 Call for Choreography for ‘She Loves to Move’
Could your organization use $5000? How much of a difference for good would that make? And what if that money was coupled with the opportunity

A Personal Story of Hypersexualized Dance and Self-Objectification by Jaime Logan
This article is dedicated to the girls who haven’t had a chance to know better. “My job required one thing of me, to be an

Dance and the Child International Conference(daCi) 2022
I consistently say that the solution to harmful dance is healthy dance. Today is special because I get to back up that claim and introduce

‘Share Your DA:NCE Story’ Interviews Begin
Several weeks ago an article came out on several news outlets about current abuse in children’s dance. I’d advise you to get some tissues out

DA:NCE Newsletter – May 2022
DA:NCE Newsletter – May 2022 Introducing ‘She Loves to Move’ an Original Song for DA:NCE Steve SilerOne of my favorite pictures of my daughter was taken

Purpose Driven Dance
From my earliest memories, dance has been a source of great joy and delight for me. My parents enjoyed ballroom dancing and so they were

Texarkana Dance Academy
This month DA:NCE wants to introduce healthy dance studio Texarkana Dance Academy. They are located in Wake Village, Texas, a suburb of Texarkana, Texas. All

Unregulated VS Educated
Training dancers is a responsibility and a privilege. Our industry is an unregulated one at the moment, but that doesn’t mean we have to be

Introducing ‘She Loves to Move’ an Original Song for DA:NCE by Steve Siler
One of my favorite pictures of my daughter was taken at a dance studio when she was four years old. She is wearing a black

A History of DA:NCE: healthy, educational children’s dance to harmful, hypersexualized children’s dance
“There has been a cultural shift from healthy, educational children’s dance to harmful, hypersexualized children’s dance at younger and younger ages. The art of children’s