Frequently Asked Questions
‘She Loves to Move’ Call for Choreography Challenge
You have questions; we have answers! Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions we’ve received:
Who is DA:NCE Awareness?
We are a California based nonprofit organization that is dedicated to bringing awareness and education to adults in order to stop the hypersexualization of children in dance. We provide free resources to concerned adults, dance educators, parents, studio owners, and other stakeholders that promote healthy, age-appropriate dance for children throughout the world.
What will you do with the video that I submit?
First, we’ll celebrate! We may use some videos in our promotions on social media, newsletter, and website. Any prize winners will also be announced and their video shared publicly as well.
What was the inspiration for the song?
We worked with the song producer Steve Siler, Founder & Director or Music for the Soul, to write ‘She Loves to Move’. He wrote an entire blog on his inspiration for the song. You can read that here:
I have a question not answered here. Who can I contact?
You can use the contact form on our website or send an email to
I think my child is receiving dance that is not age-appropriate. What should I do?
We have an entire toolkit, which is free to use, available for individuals concerned their children may be receiving unhealthy dance. You can access it here: